self-titled era!
contact information
mgmt: oscar@blacksand.fyi
other: inquiries@ziongarcia.co
bookings: georgia@proxyagency.co
02.07.24 at 12:08PM
Sitting on the train rn. Just passed Strathfield. On my way to practice w/ SOLLYY & FRIDAY* for the show in Melb we're doing later this week. Gonna start logging here instead of word dumping on IG. Anyway, Film Star Prelude. I won't say too much about this next era yet, but fuck man, if you're reading this, it's out in the world now everywhere! I've been part of this program called Conscious, based out in Campbelltown. They're really dope people and allowed me the chance to jump in a proper studio and collaborate with another producer in the program. I've always produced alone for my discography, but this was the exception. I got paired with Chelsea Warner, and mannnnnn. Actually such a wizard at this music shit. She let me go crazy with my process and just opened up a bunch of sonic directions that were mad to explore. We did a couple together but this was THE one. Her harmonies too man fk... just the most islander core harmonies ever. All I knew before the session was that I wanted to make something "big" sonically. Just something mad stadium or fkn expansive feeling. I try not to overcook too much idea-wise BEFORE starting the music, but this time It was a bit different. Without spoiling too much of this next era, it's low-key ALL about delusion. In the film world, I love to exist inside that delusion almost exclusively. Music is just a lot more grounded for me. But fuck man. It's time to let my ambitions run wild in a way that I haven't let them before. It's time to see the world. It's time to open new doors and make NEW shit. Anyway. Shoutout Conscious- Thank you for allowing me to test some new ideas before we enter the new era. It's been an incredible opportunity. Shoutout Zig Parker and the curious works team for linking on the video. Proud of this one as a follow up to HIVA. I hope if you're reading this, you're all goods. BUT... yessir. New song / New Video out now. See you there if you catch it 🫡
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zion garcia @ 2024